My Dad had a Pentax K1000 SLR camera (still has, just sits on the bookcase now), I used to look at it and wish I could take pictures with it. It was one of the things that inspired me to be a photographer. I looked so cool adjusting the focus using the ring on the...
I am working on building my portrait portfolio, which meant last weekend roping in the family to help. My brother and sister, two of the most important people in my life whom I love to the moon and back where my models. What a laugh we had. They are both amazing, the...
What a windy day it was down in Shoreham by Sea… wasn’t too sure if I was going to be able to take any photos, it was so overcast, grey, drizzling and windy… well never let that stop you is all I can say. It just meant the waves were crashing against...
Wedding photography…. having taken the photos at two weddings, I really wanted to brush up my skills, speak to a professional wedding photographer and others in the field. It was a great day, met so many like minding people and Adam Riley was our master –...